Custom Built Entertainment Units
At Woodcraft Designs, we can conceptualise and build an entertainment cabinet for your home theatre that makes your life that much easier. But that’s the whole idea behind customisation, right?
We’ve all experienced the frustration of having to unpack an entire cabinet to reach the exact cable you’re looking for. It just isn’t fun. This is especially the case when you’ve got guests that are anxiously spurring you on so that everyone can see the first play of the big game. But don’t worry, because we just took our list of services one step further.
Entertainment at Its Best
Whether you’re looking to build a cabinet that can hold your surround-sound system in your home theatre room, or want to add a book-rack around your television, we’ve got the team that can get it done better than you ever imagined. With a selection from our range of materials, colours, and functionality outcomes, you’ll be able to tailor your experience to your exact needs. This includes the ability to choose between a wall-mounted or freestanding home theatre cabinet, with both offering their own unique set of advantages.
Australian Standard
Our time in the game has put us right in the middle of an industry network, giving us first choice on the country’s finest building materials. Combine this with a highly-trained team that uses 3D technology to conceptualise and manufacture your end product, and you get the perfect, customised cabinet that you had in mind.
Get in Touch
At Woodcraft Designs, we pride ourselves in delivering world-class service to all our clients. Whether you’re looking for some helpful advice, or a brand new set of cabinets, someone from our team will be more than happy to assist. If you already know what you want, find out how much it’ll cost with an obligation-free quote. Alternatively, chat to one of our consultants on (08) 9303 2883.